Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Virtually Analyzing Constructivism

Virtually Analyzing Constructivism
Chapter 10 Reflection
     I definitely enjoyed reading through this chapter because I seem myself as a constructivist who is constantly working on things that revolve around creativity and hands on experience. A lot of my previous class projects had to do with the constructivist theory and how everything works within that theory. I also learned a lot about collaboration and cooperation in a few of my other classes, so reading this in the text was a nice recap and refresher for me. The most interesting part that I found to be captivating was the section about technology and learning. I was excited when I started reading this section because I'm an Information Technology with Education. I feel like a nerd when I start reading this kind of material and information. There are several different learning environments that refer to technology as a resource that I enjoyed reading about. I like the ideas behind virtual learning environment except that with virtual learning, some students may just like the concept of a game and only play and experience the learning as a game. On the other hand, I think that more children will learn today this way because technology is such a major role in life today and it is only going to increase as life goes on. 

My Experience with Create, Evaluate, and Relate in Chapter 10

Create: Images of Inquiry

Evaluate: Social Network your Classroom

Relate: Cognitive Apprenticeships

     A type of cognitive apprenticeship experience that I would create in my classroom would revolve around budgeting, coupon cuttings, or having an in class store where the students would be able to experience this type of activity that would normally happen in these type of situations. I could also take the students to a farmers market to first evenhandedly experience a brief market experience face to face as to how everything is run. I think that incorporating cognitive apprenticeship into the classroom is an effective approach and should be highly applaud when teaching material that the students can strongly make a connection to in a real-world situation. Engaging into a cognitive apprenticeship can beneficially open doors in the students' minds by creating experience with something that they are familiar with and perhaps will see or encounter as they grow older in future circumstances. Some challenges may revolve around the budget of the school or the approval to do cognitive apprenticeship. Not every school is fortunate enough to have such reliable resources in which they can afford to add big extra activities to the menu of their curriculum. 

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