Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Enrichment through the Information Processing Approach

Enrichment through the Information Processing Approach
Chapter 8 Reflection
     While reading this chapter, I was surprised to read about all of the general and specific concepts that relate to how a person is learning cognitively. It's always interesting to read about how the brain works, especially when it comes to the memory systems within the brain. There are so many small components that make up the entire systems: working memory, short-term memory, and long-term memory. I also liked exploring the ways that people retain information such as rote memorization or by using the keyword method. Personally, I find myself using the keyword method often because remembering a whole definition word for word is sometimes difficult, but if I can remember one specific word that relates to the topic, I am usually able to remember the rest. 

My Experience with Create, Evaluate, and Relate in Chapter 8

Create: Understanding the way you learn
Here is the link to my concept map created using!

Evaluate: Procedural Knowledge in Simple Tasks
Here is the link to my presentation using Google Slides! Make sure that you click the present tab so you can see the animations and transitions of the presentation.

Relate: Considering Cognitive Psychology

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