Saturday, July 30, 2016

Becoming a Montessori Fanatic

Becoming a Montessori Fanatic
    Thanks to this course, I am now a Montessori fanatic. I love the concept behind the Montessori learning theory and I can't imagine myself discussing anything else for a learning theory. Montessori is interesting and I really am glad that I picked Maria Montessori to talk about. I am actually considering on training to become a certified Montessori teacher because I am just that interested in this learning program. I think that student's learning at their own pace and working on themselves as learners is a remarkable approach that most teachers should take into consideration or at least read about. 
My Screencast Presentation
     The video above is the screen cast that I recorded of myself sharing my presentation on Maria Montessori and the Montessori learning theory. I liked creating this presentation because it was not only something I was familiar with, but something that I was excited to talk about and share my feelings with others about. I actually showed this presentation to my co workers at the day care that I worked at and we are considering on using some of the materials for our students. I actually made a sensory board for our toddlers and they love it!

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