Saturday, July 30, 2016

Farewell Online Psychology of Learning

Farewell Online Psychology of Learning
     I don't even know where to begin when thinking about everything that I learned in this class. I truly believe that the most I could say is thank you. This course helped to open my eyes to so many possibilities and obstacles in understanding learning theories that I probably wouldn't of been able to overcome on my own. I must admit that this course really was a lot of work though. It reminded me of the same anxiety that I felt while taking Social Studies Methods, but I knew with just the time and determination, I would be able to successfully complete everything. I'm still nervous about taking Science Methods two semesters from now, but I know that I can do it just like how I conquered Social Studies Methods and Psychology of Learning. Out of this experience, I commented on one of my colleagues' blog three times because I did not have access to the others. 

     A bit of advice for learners who are going to take this course, do not wait to do everything until the end. I can not stress this enough. This is not any ordinary online course. There is a lot of work and it is very time consuming, so I suggest that you use your time wisely and keep your head in the game. To bring this class to a closing, take care and thank you Dr. Smirnova for this wonderful experience and making my first online class a memorable one.

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