Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Getting in Touch with my "Self" and Comprehending Learning Differences

Getting in Touch with my "Self" and Comprehending Differences

Chapter 3 Reflection
     This chapter helped for me to get in touch with inner feelings towards self-concept and self-esteem. I enjoyed reading about the different learning theories that were covered in this section. (Urie Bronfenbrenner, Erikson, & Kohlberg) One of my favorite sections of this chapter was describing the different parenting styles. I didn't know that there were specific types of parenting styles, I just figured that it was all about how parenting styles vary and people create their own parenting style. The concept of identity is another major concept that I took a liking to. It helps to define who the person is which while I was reading, I was able to take myself through each of these steps and identify myself as a future educator. 

Chapter 4 Reflection
     This chapter further expressed the importance of ensuring that all students deserve the equal opportunity to learn. I learned more about different types of disabilities that students could possibly have. I also learned about the different learning styles and preferences. I liked reading about the IDEA. Every child is unique and even if the students have a disability, it does not label the child or change who the child is as a student or person. 

     Cultural diversity is a very important aspect to integrate into all classrooms. I believe that this is important because everyone is still a person who is living on this planet even though they could perhaps come from a different cultural background. It's important to explain to children that not everyone is of the same culture and that is okay. 

My Experience with Create, Evaluate, and Relate for Chapter 3

Create: Images of Self-Concept and Self-Esteem
I used an online poster maker tool called PosterMyWall, to create a photo collage of all of the aspects that I feel that media has on a student’s self-concept. I focused primarily on adolescents, but I do have some images that refer to younger children. I decided to also focus a lot on the concept behind social media and how it is impact students outside of school as well as in school (cyberbullying). The media typically targets a person’s physical body image showing what society would view as “perfect” or “beautiful”. The media also targets on the imperfections of a person’s body and how to achieve the “more acceptable” standards. Depending on how the student is as an individual, the media can either have a positive impact or a negative effect on the student’s self-concept. When a person’s self-concept is in conflict with what may be portrayed in the media, the person could possibly feel depressed or lean towards negative and/or dangerous approaches to obtain the “ideal body image”. I don’t see this to be much of an issue in an Elementary classroom, but in an Adolescent classroom, it could most certainly become an issue. A teacher should always make note of what they notice within the classroom that could have to do with something in the media. A teacher should also be prepared to help.

Evaluate: Media about Violence in the Schools

One of the Most Dangerous Schools in America | ABC World News Tonight | ABC News

U.S. school violence

Student Voices on School Safety

The first two videos are videos that clearly demonstrate and define what types of violence there is in school through news reports and the third video is a video in which the students of a school voice out themselves their own experiences with school violence. Based on these videos, I view violence in schools to be a hazardous issue, especially to students who are just the victims in their situations. The first video really made an impact on me because I could relate to the girl who was mentioned in the video by being bullied and such while I was only trying to get my education and make my parents proud. The second video actually made me cry because it shows how much of an effect bullying has on students. Bullying is actually causing these students to snap and turn on the one person who could perhaps show that they care about their education, their teachers. Based on these videos, school violence is growing to the top of the line dangers for the school community. School violence is highly prevalent and is spreading through all ages of the school districts. It doesn’t only occur with adolescents anymore, but with younger children as well.

Relate: A Snapshot of your Classroom - Moral, Social, and Emotional Development

What is Dyslexia?
The video above allowed me to experience what it would be like for students who have dyslexia. It's an entertaining and engaging experience that peaked my interest into wanting to learn more about dyslexia and strategies in which I can help students who have dyslexia. I really enjoyed this video and this is something that I would even show to other future educators because it is something that I believe all teachers should experience. This video also interested me because I worked with a student who was being evaluated for having dyslexia. The student wrote "ekil" and said that the word was "like" and when asked to read it over and over in a book and in their handwriting, it still said "like".

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