Thursday, July 21, 2016

Motivational Session

Motivational Session

Chapter 12 Reflection:
     This chapter is without a doubt my new favorite chapter that I have read so far. Motivation is super big in my eyes. I passionately believe that all educators should be highly motivating to all of their students no matter what. Scolding should not be the number one "fixer upper" for situations. Instead of complaining or always asserting what the students do wrong, the students should be praised for what they did accomplish. I greatly enjoyed reading about Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs. It is remarkable to see each developmental step on the pyramid of exactly what types of needs there are what should be mastered before others. 

It's Smarter to Travel in Groups!

     It's always smarter to travel in a group for several reasons. It's always safer when traveling in a group anywhere. It provides a comfort zone where as something more serious can happen when you are alone. I would use these series of video clips in my classroom when talking about team work. Team work is a major priority in my eyes especially when collaborating to achieve something. It's important for students to understand the concept of team work and what it means to be a team member. 

     I like the concept of the padagogy wheel, but I do feel that it is too complex for teachers to just look at and refer to. It is very detailed and I don't think that it is something that I would directly refer to, but I do think I would try to find something simpler to look at instead. I do like the action words and the adverbs that are linked to the padagogy wheel because those are typical words that you would use throughout the write up of a lesson plan. I do like the technology twist that accompanies the terms by listing apps that would be appropriate for each term on the wheel. It is nice to know that there are apps that are directly tied into the padagogy wheel.

The Flipped Classroom
     Although I can see why many people like the ideas of a flipped classroom, I beg to differ. I'm not a major fan of a flipped classroom specifically because I am the type of person that likes to directly have hands on interaction with my instructor face to face on assignments. I also see myself as a visual learner, but I need to have the person in front of the classroom. I tend to see myself as that type of learner. That is why I was nervous about taking this course because I knew that in an online class, the majority of the class sessions would be like a flipped classroom and I didn't think that I would be successful, but I think I am doing well.

My Experience with Create, Evaluate, and Relate in Chapter 12

Create: Images of Motivation

Click here to view my presentation, Enjoy!

Evaluate: What's my Motivation?

Who is the character, and what is his or her primary goal?
     The main character in this movie is named Paulie. He is the green parrot that is on the front cover. His primary goal is to be reunited with his owner as a child. 
Analyze the character's motivation from two different perspectives. (Humanistic and Sociocultural)
     On the humanistic spectrum of motivation, Paulie is very similar to a human because he speaks and knows exactly what he wants. He is very smart and is inspired to return to Marie as he over comes the obstacles that stand in his way. On the sociocultural perspective, Paulie is inspired by his desire to be around Marie once more so his environment also has an impact on his motivation.
What kind of attributions would this character make if he or she were not able to achieve his or her goals?
     The type of attribution that this character would make if he did not achieve his goal would be to lose hope. Paulie always kept in his heart the devotion to his owner and promised that he would fly back to her one day when she was a child. Paulie kept his hope up and never gave up when it came to finding Marie.

Relate: Beliefs about Knowing
     What makes an effective teacher? Do teachers just give up when the going gets tough? No! An effective teacher is a teacher who never gives up on what they believe in or their students. Teaching is not something that just comes easily or something that can be mastered with in a few years of college. Just because someone has a degree that states that a person has met all of the requirements to become a teacher, does not mean that they are an experienced, amazing teacher.
    Teaching tactics are always changing and a terrific teacher must always be up to date with the latest material and technology. Teaching is not just about presenting facts to children, teaching is preparing children for the future and help children to be successful in their future careers. A teacher must be understanding and willing to do what is necessary to teach all of their children in their classroom. No child should ever be left behind no matter what the circumstances may be.
    The main key to being a magnificent teacher is to accommodate to any of the child's specific needs. Every child learns in a different way, so it is up to the teacher to help and understand what is necessary to teach the child and assure that the child will be successful. I believe entirely that it is the teacher's job to teach the child no matter what. A teacher should never walk out on a child or turn their back on a child just because the child does not understand the lesson, is slow at learning the lesson, or because they have some sort of disability that prevents them from learning in a certain way. Every child deserves a chance and in my classroom, every child will be given a chance and will never be told other wise. I will strive to teach every student in my classroom. As long as I am a teacher and my students are in my care of my classroom, they will be shown that they can do it. I will never give up.

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